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Frequently Asked Questions

Wait. What is this place?

Oklahoma’s general store, located in Tulsa, OK! Ida Red is not easily categorized or tamed. We sell a little of this and a lot of that. If you look at our stuff and feel nostalgic or happy or proud of our great state — hopefully all three! — then we’ve done our job! We hope you can find gifts that make you and all of your loved ones smile :)


What does Ida Red mean?

Ida Red is a song. It’s gone through many iterations, with famous renditions by Woody Guthrie and Bob Wills. The fun folklore surrounding Ida Red and the undeniable ties to Oklahoma provided the inspiration to name our store after the song.


Wait, you have a second location downtown?

We do! Our sweet Main Street location opened in 2017. The Kaiser Foundation had a vision to revitalize the Arts District around that time and invited us to open up shop because we’re so awesome. It’s smaller than our Brookside location but it is oh-so-cute. Come see!


Where is your soda fountain?

Dagnabbit! You’re late, my friend. Our Main Street location had a soda fountain beginning in 2017, but closed in February of 2019. We loved it, but we just couldn’t handle the ice cream lifestyle.


Do you sell Tom’s shoes?

No, unfortunately. We stopped in 2016. We still love them though! Go buy a pair on their amazing site once you’re done buying our stuff!


I have a vision for something that you should carry, but you don’t. Where can I find it? 

Well gosh, there is no place quite like us. So give us a call at 918-949-6950 or email and tell us your vision. If you want to buy it, we’ll do our darnedest to make it happen!


I’m a local artist/vendor. Will you sell my cool stuff?

Oooh, we love cool stuff! Send us an email! Please include the products you’re interested in selling along with their wholesale prices. Product photos and a website are helpful if you have them. And we love knowing your origin story! That’s the best part of partnering with cool people!


Wait. What is this place?

Oklahoma’s general store, located in Tulsa, OK! Ida Red is not easily categorized or tamed. We sell a little of this and a lot of that. If you look at our stuff and feel nostalgic or happy or proud of our great state — hopefully all three! — then we’ve done our job! We hope you can find gifts that make you and all of your loved ones smile :)


What does Ida Red mean?

Ida Red is a song. It’s gone through many iterations, with famous renditions by Woody Guthrie and Bob Wills. The fun folklore surrounding Ida Red and the undeniable ties to Oklahoma provided the inspiration to name our store after the song.


Wait, you have a second location downtown?

We do! Our sweet Main Street location opened in 2017. The Kaiser Foundation had a vision to revitalize the Arts District around that time and invited us to open up shop because we’re so awesome. It’s smaller than our Brookside location but it is oh-so-cute. Come see!


Where is your soda fountain?

Dagnabbit! You’re late, my friend. Our Main Street location had a soda fountain beginning in 2017, but closed in February of 2019. We loved it, but we just couldn’t handle the ice cream lifestyle.


Do you sell Tom’s shoes?

No, unfortunately. We stopped in 2016. We still love them though! Go buy a pair on their amazing site once you’re done buying our stuff!


I have a vision for something that you should carry, but you don’t. Where can I find it? 

Well gosh, there is no place quite like us. So give us a call at 918-949-6950 or email and tell us your vision. If you want to buy it, we’ll do our darnedest to make it happen!


I’m a local artist/vendor. Will you sell my cool stuff?

Oooh, we love cool stuff! Send us an email! Please include the products you’re interested in selling along with their wholesale prices. Product photos and a website are helpful if you have them. And we love knowing your origin story! That’s the best part of partnering with cool people!


Would you donate to my upcoming fundraiser? 

We love helping out when we can! Email Solomon with your name, your organization, and the date of your fundraiser. If you have your Tax ID on hand and send that along as well, that’ll speed up the process!

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I have a business that is interested in wholesaling your Ida Red original products. What should I do?

First of all, we are flattered! Please email us with all of the pertinent information, about your store and about the products you’re interested in. Let’s see where it goes! Or if you have a Faire account, check out our page!


Would you donate to my upcoming fundraiser? 

We love helping out when we can! Email Solomon with your name, your organization, and the date of your fundraiser. If you have your Tax ID on hand and send that along as well, that’ll speed up the process!

 [powr-chat id="dcf4cb1c_1615410235"]

I have a business that is interested in wholesaling your Ida Red original products. What should I do?

First of all, we are flattered! Please email us with all of the pertinent information, about your store and about the products you’re interested in. Let’s see where it goes! Or if you have a Faire account, check out our page!