Candy Corner
Some scientific tips to maximize your candy experience, from a true candy aficionado!
If you're as big of a candy guru as I am you use strategy when it comes to consumption.
Bubble gum for instance.. Enjoy the sugariness while it lasts.. THEN blow bubbles.. I mean, you have to understand the science behind me making this statement… Sugar doesn't expand therefor causing your bubbles to deflate prematurely. Why waste the sugary goodness on bubbles that are just not going anywhere?
And while eating a chocolate Ice Cube… I never ever grab it with my fingers. It's a very special technique I use.. Unwrap… And then straight to the pie hole! With candy so soft and melty, there is no time to waste. There's certainly no chocolate to waste either. That's why I always end up licking the wrapper clean.
You don't want to try and snatch any of my candy either.. I get very protective.. Come on, sharing a Zot? Yeah right.
The fizzy inside that bursts out the sides with pizazz. If ever you're feeling risky, just chomp down and your mouth explodes with flavorful tanginess.. I only share with people who have never experienced the goodness of a Zot. Only so I can capture the memory of their funny faces as the fizz starts to bubble out of the sides like molten out of a hot volcano. It's basically the most priceless expression one could witness. If you haven't seen it for yourself, come see us. Buy a strand of four Zotz for 60¢ and give one to a stranger.
Sit back and enjoy the show!